Senior Session
While they may feel all grown up, we know that you still see them as wee little ones! We love capturing this moment before they truly step out into the world.
Let us work with you and your high-schoolers to best showcase their personalities! We can offer styles to match everyone and a fun experience by focusing on their interests. These aren’t old-school senior portraits. Let’s get creative!
Now that The Loft has officially opened 2 locations, we have some really exciting new spaces for crafting those “Senior moments” that your high-schoolers will be proud to share for the rest of their lives. Are you a senior who would like to represent the art that is being created by our team?
You can check out our most recent edition of our senior magazine here for free! Like all our work, we’ve invested time, expertise, and attention into this publication to share what you need to partner with us successfully. The moments we capture together are priceless.
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