Dear Sweet Mamas with miracles on board,

We know this is always such a fleeting journey filled with so many unknowns, and now even more so.

As we all navigate through this trial we pray you will find peace in knowing your baby is safe and warm.

We pray you will find comfort in those around you.

We pray you discover the strength that we know roars within you.

The strength to meander this uncharted territory. The strength to go to those visits without your you are not alone, we are all pulling for you and your baby is right there with you feeling every movement and hearing your comforting voice.

Dear Mama, we will be here on the other side to capture the endless, fleeting moments to be forever remembered.

Find comfort in knowing you are created for such a time as this and we are all going to be ok.

Mudpies Nā€™ Butterflies

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