
What makes a picture perfect backdrop? Pennsylvania rolling feilds and an heirloom piano!

What makes a perfect backdrop? Well nature sings for this beautiful senior session and granted her wish and captured exactly what she wanted. With such a stunning young lady anything looks gorgeous, but what a creative concept, We love this idea! We are very excited to see what other seniors bring to the table for their personal photoshoots.

Beautiful Jemma had a blast shooting at multiple locations with Laura and well… we think the images speak to the fun! Have a great Senior year!

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Let's Talk Tweens

The first birthday Cakesmash is often a captured milestone and then suddenly you find yourself with a third grader that you only have some obligatory school pics of.  It's such a wonderous time of  child hood that your children don't often recall. What do they like to eat, their favorite movie or shows, what's that treasured toy that has to seemingly tag along everywhere? 

Lets talk about the TWEENS , this is the most rapid growth and marked changes you will see since their baby stage! And yet often parents get so busy carpooling to sports, working on those Art projects etc.. all the busy stuff that comes with this age! Aside from an occasional family portrait do you have anything captured that really freezes this time in their life? 

They are starting to explore makeup and may even be pushing limits of fashion. Often they found a passion for a certain sport, talent or hobby. 

In a world that is so fast paced and the internet and social media being so Infuential. It often leads to the innocence of these years to fly by and fizzle. 

Insecurities also develope during the informative years, heighten social pressure coupled with body changes can lead so many kids to develop negative  doubt and poor self feelings regarding body image social status and everything in between. 

We offer TWEEN sessions that will not only capture all the things about them that changes so quickly, but a shoot full of confidence boosting and fun (let's face it we all enjoy being pampered dobted over). Styled shoot with hair and makeup artists on set as well as older girls who are great positive role models acedemically and, socially in the community...what an experience! Lights, camera, action !! They will be sure to remember this experience for years to come. Our hope is to freeze this time forever with tasteful heirloom quality images to cherish AND  have the experience be a huge positive impact as they embark on the teen years that can be oh so trying and tough for some.